I do not believe at this time that I can sway minds in this election. You've made your decision. You are voting for who you are voting. Whatever I write here in this space will not change your mind. If you are voting for Trump, Johnson or Stein then you own the consequences. This post is about the consequences of those votes because those votes add up to the statement "I'm fine with Donald Trump being President" and if you feel that way, then you own the consequences and I'm going to lay out some of them for you.
Donald Trump is an authoritarian. I've had arguments with people if he rises to the level of fascism. He is a fascist. The oligarchs in America will do quite well with President Trump. One of the traits of fascism is that the people who support it do well when the government hands out contracts and spending. And they will do well. Donald Trump has already called for slashing taxes on the wealthiest Americans and his tax cut plan involves handing 99% of the benefits to the 1% in America. He is an authoritarian who has said he will sue news sources and he has said he would put Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins. Think he's bluffing? When has Donald Trump forgiven a slight? When has he not sought revenge when it was available. He may not be a Hitler, but he is certainly a Mussolini or a Franco.
Paul Ryan's budget framework for the Federal Government will pass. No one thinks the likelihood of the House of Representatives turning Democratic with this election to even be worth mentioning. It is highly likely that if Donald Trump wins the election that the Republicans will retain a Senate Majority. That means Paul Ryan can start passing his budget plan and it will be signed into law. What's in that plan? Tax cuts for the wealthy and Trump is already on board on that. Restructure of Medicare devolving authority to the States and pushing the funding to the states in the form or grants. The other offing for Medicare would be simple privatization at the Federal level. Either way your parents Medicare is under the axe. Obamacare would obviously be repealed and no there is no Republican alternative. Social Security would be back under the threat of privatization. Trump said he would save it, but didn't say how. The Republican plan for "saving" Social Security has always been about privatization and it would likely take the form of 401k-type plans funded by payroll deductions in which Wall Street gets to start extracting management fees. In order to pay for those tax cuts without cutting military spending social programs will have to be cut deep. Dodd Frank which created a watchdog committee to monitor abuses by financial firms will be repealed. They will also continue to dismantle regulations on other industries.
Donald Trump has also decided to end Federal support for Global Warming preparation and spending on renewable energy. The US would pull out of the current global accord on climate change. The accord likely would collapse. A few degree world wide warming is going to cause droughts on the land and rising sea levels with coastal areas flooded. None of that will be immediate, but will take decades.
The Supreme Court has a vacancy. It will be filled by someone who will support the Republican agenda. There are at least two more liberally leaning SCOTUS Justices who will retire in the next four to eight years. The Republican Party and President Trump will hold a majority on the Supreme Court for another twenty years.
We've seen a great deal of work at the state level to suppress the voting blocks that traditionally support Democratic politicians. That will continue and with the Supreme Court solidly in Republican hands for a generation and the Legislature and Executive branches we will see no attempt at the Federal level to stop these attempts.
These are some of the consequences of allowing Trump to become President. There is one candidate who is in a position to stop this and she is Hillary Clinton. None of what I describe above will come to pass while Hillary is President. So there's your choice and there's your consequences. Don't say you weren't warned.
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