Sunday, February 14, 2016

Been a While

It's been almost four years since I last wrote a blog.  I've had two others.  "Notes to Leicester" which I started around 2007 and folded it sometime around 2011.  "Notes to Leicester" was focused on town politics back when I was very much into local politics and had a school committee seat in my home town.  I followed that with "Heart of an Iconoclast" and then folded that shortly after the 2012 election.  "Heart of an Iconoclast" was focused on state and national politics, economics and a bit of town politics when the mood struck me.  When I folded that I focused on Twitter.  Learning how to communicate in 140 characters was refreshing, but since the 2016 election season has unfolded I've been thinking I need more characters with which to elaborate my thoughts, so here it is "Whiskey, Coffee and Politics."

I happen to be a fan of whiskey, coffee and politics.  Also whiskey and coffee tend to be flowing when conversations of politics are occurring.  So if you've come looking for discussion of whiskey and coffee you might get disappointed.  If you've come for discussion of politics you may still be disappointed.  I'm a rationalist.  I'm not someone who is going to sit and write emotionally charged commentary.  I'm going to write commentary that has been considered and hopefully logically rational.  You'll also be treated to the occasional discussion of economics.  Actually more than just the occasional discussion of economics, because I'm of the mind that politics and economics are intertwined and one leads to the other.  

I'll just present an up front warning.  I don't watch or listen to broadcast news or talk radio.  If you get your news from those sources, then I'll have very little for you here.  I do gather written news from multiple sources and will often respond to what I've read.  I'll also have commentary based on things important enough to have floated through my general air of indifference.  I do glance at the headlines and I'll read an article that I think may be of interest.  I don't read Drudge, Breitbart or Red State and you can extrapolate from there where this is all going.  

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